CUG 2019英国大学酒店、休闲、娱乐与旅游专业排名

发布时间:2018年04月27日 来源:毕达留学
2018年4月25日,《CUG》(完全大学指南)发布了2019年英国大学排名,此次排名包括131所英国大学综合排名以及70个专业排名,为了方便准备英国留学的小伙伴们参考,小编整理出了各大专业的完整排名,下面请看2019CUG英国大学酒店、休闲、娱乐与旅游(Hospitality, Leisure, Recreation & Tourism)专业排名,思克莱德大学第一,其他进入TOP5的大学依次是:萨里大学、林肯大学、利物浦约翰摩尔斯大学和伯明翰大学。完整排名如下:



Rank University Name Entry Standards  Student Satisfaction  Research Quality  Graduate Prospects  Overall Score 
1st Strathclyde 214 4.06 3.17 62 100
2nd Surrey 170 4.1 3.18 56 94.9
3rd Lincoln 120 4.81 2.49 80 94.2
4th Liverpool John Moores 133 4.19 3.57 56 92.4
5th Birmingham 158 3.8 n/a  80 91.8
6th Westminster 141 4.23 2.8 60 91.6
7th Staffordshire n/a  4.29 2.74 58 91.4
8th Coventry 132 4.05 2.5 74 91.4
9th Ulster 119 4.43 2.97 54 91.1
10th Bournemouth 124 4.02 3.13 68 91.1
11th Gloucestershire 115 3.92 2.61 78 90.6
12th Aberystwyth 113 4.23 2.66 n/a  90.3
13th Sunderland 113 4.67 1.96 70 90.2
14th West of Scotland 143 4.2 2.24 54 90.1
15th Manchester Metropolitan 129 4.06 2.6 64 90
16th Leeds Beckett 119 4.03 2.72 64 89.7
17th Cardiff Metropolitan 121 3.95 3.25 60 89.5
18th Portsmouth 116 3.84 2.54 70 89.5
19th Oxford Brookes 136 4.12 2.65 54 89.4
20th Edinburgh Napier 154 4.01 2.47 48 89.3
21st Greenwich 134 4 2.21 60 89
22nd Central Lancashire 140 3.92 2.34 54 88.9
23rd Glasgow Caledonian 140 3.93 2.64 46 88.8
24th Sheffield Hallam 122 4.02 2.75 58 88.8
25th Plymouth 117 4.15 2.48 56 88.8
26th Huddersfield 128 4.36 n/a  68 88.8
27th Robert Gordon 140 4.05 2.53 50 88.6
28th Brighton 123 4 3 52 88.5
29th Arts University Bournemouth 118 3.87 n/a  78 88
30th Salford 125 4.14 2.66 48 87.6
31st Chichester 112 3.73 2.67 58 87.5
32nd London South Bank 112 3.92 2.87 44 87.5
33rd Canterbury Christ Church 100 4.15 2.75 54 87.3
34th Chester 111 3.97 2.26 54 86.8
35th De Montfort 120 3.88 n/a  68 86.8
36th Falmouth 110 4.19 n/a  68 86.7
37th Winchester 116 4.05 n/a  66 86.6
38th Wolverhampton 113 3.81 2.37 54 86.2
39th West of England, Bristol n/a  4.15 n/a  60 86.1
40th Hertfordshire 115 4.24 n/a  60 86.1
41st South Wales n/a  3.92 n/a  64 86.1
42nd Derby 123 4.01 1.93 50 85.8
43rd Solent 119 4.16 n/a  56 85.6
44th Highlands & Islands 119 3.65 n/a  62 85.1
45th Queen Margaret 122 3.61 n/a  60 85
46th West London 112 4.12 n/a  50 84
47th Middlesex 116 3.96 2.72 30 83.9
48th Liverpool Hope 101 3.89 1.39 n/a  83.8
49th Wrexham Glyndwr 118 3.8 n/a  n/a  83.6
50th East London 101 3.67 2.26 50 83.3
51st Cumbria n/a  4.02 2.14 34 82.7
52nd Buckinghamshire New 111 3.83 1.72 40 82.5
53rd London Metropolitan 98 3.85 n/a  52 82.3
54th Bedfordshire 86 3.67 2.41 44 82.1
55th Suffolk n/a  3.77 n/a  46 81.9
56th Northampton 109 4.07 n/a  38 81.7
57th University of Wales Trinity Saint David 101 4.25 n/a  32 80.6
58th St Mary's, Twickenham 96 4.21 n/a  32 80
59th Anglia Ruskin 97 4.28 n/a  30 80

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