
发布时间:2018年04月26日 来源:毕达留学
日前(2018年4月25日),《完全大学指南》(CUG)发布了2019英国大学排名,和TIMES、卫报排名一样,一年公布一次。排名包括131所英国大学综合排名以及70个专业排名,综合排名之前已经整理出来了,接下来小编给大家整理各个专业的排名,下面请看2019CUG英国大学解剖学与生理学( Anatomy & Physiology)专业排名,共有36所大学进入榜单,TOP5院校分别是:圣安德鲁斯大学、牛津大学、伦敦大学学院、格拉斯哥大学和西英格兰大学。完整排名如下:



Rank University Name Entry Standards  Student Satisfaction  Research Quality  Graduate Prospects  Overall Score 
1st St Andrews 178 4.39 3.16 n/a  100
1st Oxford 210 4.01 3.4 74 100
3rd University College London 191 3.88 3.25 84 99.8
4th Glasgow 199 4.09 3 82 99.6
5th West of England, Bristol n/a  4.27 3.06 100 99.6
6th Dundee 184 4.13 3.5 78 99.4
7th Newcastle 160 4.34 3.4 86 99.1
8th Southampton 151 4.03 2.99 96 98.4
9th Leeds 164 4.21 3.19 82 97.9
10th Aberdeen 199 4.17 3.11 68 97.7
11th Bristol 170 4.2 3.16 76 97.6
12th Cardiff 153 4.39 3.23 n/a  97.3
13th King's College London 171 4.02 3.07 80 97.3
14th Sussex 148 4.25 3.28 82 97
15th St George's, University of London 144 3.81 2.95 98 96.6
16th Loughborough 150 4.39 3.24 74 96.5
17th Edinburgh 175 3.99 3.35 68 96.3
18th Salford 146 4.43 2.63 94 96.3
19th Queen's, Belfast 157 4 2.88 82 96.2
20th Manchester 169 4.12 3.12 72 96
21st Liverpool 149 4.56 3.09 72 95.7
22nd Huddersfield 133 4.47 2.09 98 95.5
23rd Manchester Metropolitan 136 4.19 2.88 90 95.3
24th Nottingham 161 4.13 2.88 72 94.6
25th Coventry 110 4.58 3.14 86 94.1
26th Central Lancashire n/a  4.35 2.63 78 93.8
27th Portsmouth 129 4.32 2.54 82 93.1
28th East London 118 4.38 3.05 80 93
29th Keele 129 4.35 3.3 68 92.8
30th Bangor 135 4.06 3.29 64 92.3
31st Plymouth 142 4.21 2.58 72 91.9
32nd Westminster 111 4.56 2.75 68 91.2
33rd Ulster 121 4.03 n/a  82 88.7
34th Oxford Brookes 125 3.82 2.67 46 86.4
35th Wolverhampton 129 3.89 n/a  n/a  86.1
36th Greenwich 127 3.88 n/a  n/a  85.9
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