序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 评估和临床判断 | Assessment and Clinical Judgement |
2 | 临床实践基础 | Foundations of Clinical Practice |
3 | 护理与保健研究 | Research in Nursing and Health Care |
4 | 在ICU和ED拓展实习 | Expanding Practice in the ICU and ED |
5 | 重症监护护理实习 | Intensive Care Nursing Practice |
6 | 严重疾病和伤害的复杂性 | Complexity of Critical Illness and Injury |
7 | 创造安全和质量文化 | Creating a Culture of Safety and Quality |
8 | 当代卫生领导 | Contemporary Health Leadership |
9 | 基于仿真的健康学习 | Simulation-Based Learning in Health |
10 | 跨专业参与家庭 | Interprofessional Engagement With Families |
11 | 跨专业公开对话 | Interprofessional Open Dialogue |
12 | 顶点(工作场所) | Capstone (Workplace) |
13 | 顶点(研究) | Capstone (Research) |