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MSc Marketing Management
综合排名:  3
所属院校:  爱尔兰国立高威大学

The programme content is aimed at preparing graduates for a variety of marketing positions in business.

Therefore the programme will assist students to:

-become knowledgeable about a range of Marketing subjects to an advanced level;

-develop analytical, oral and written presentation skills;

-acquire and be able to use accepted research methodologies;

-develop personal confidence.


Entry Requirements

The programme is open to recent graduates of all disciplines. Normally the minimum entry requirements will be as follows:

Normally a Second Class Honours undergraduate degree, 2.1 (level 8) is required (or equivalent international qualification). Applicants who hold a very high 2.2 and who have achieved a 2.1 average within a significant Marketing specialism in a business degree, may be considered.

Applicants from a Non-Business/Marketing degree background, applying as a conversion programme, are required to successfully complete an online Principles of Marketing course, as specified by the Marketing Discipline.

IELTS score of 6.5 or equivalent, if applicable. 

序号 课程介绍 Curriculum
1 数字销售管理 Digital Sales Management
2 营销绩效与生产力 Marketing Performance & Productivity
3 营销创新与创业学 Marketing Innovation & Entrepreneurship
4 应用营销项目 Applied Marketing Project
5 策略营销 Strategic Marketing
6 研究方法 Research Methods
7 数字营销 Digital Marketing
8 服务营销 Services Marketing
9 磋商 Negotiations
10 策略品牌管理 Strategic Brand Management
11 营销分析 Marketing Analytics
12 营销管理与策略案例 Cases in Marketing Management & Strategy
13 社交营销与可持续性 Social Marketing & Sustainability
14 全球B2B营销 Global Business to Business (B2B) Marketing
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