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MSc Information Systems Management
综合排名:  3
所属院校:  爱尔兰国立高威大学

A variety of sought-after technical skills are covered in this course, using leading-edge industry software. Students gain practical knowledge of business system analysis and design; project management; database design; applications development and the business context of IS development and management. The teaching approach places a strong emphasis on hands-on-skills and problem-based learning.

A strength of the MSc is that all of the technical skills are taught using examples, practical exercises and projects drawn from the world of business. Our focus is very much on the application of technology to business.


Entry Requirements

Applicants should normally hold a qualification from a university or other internationally recognised academic institution or authority, corresponding to Level 8 of the Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), to a minimum standard of Second Class Honours (or equivalent). It is expected that successful applicants will come from a variety of academic and professional backgrounds, with prior exposure to information technology and/or business.

序号 课程介绍 Curriculum
1 数据库系统 Database Systems
2 系统开发与项目管理 Systems Development & Project Management
3 商业应用编程 Business Applications Programming
4 网页设计与开发 Web Design & Development
5 交互系统设计 Interactive Systems Design
6 商业建模与分析 Business Modelling and Analytics
7 项目 Project
8 商业数据通信 Business Data Communications
9 企业系统 Enterprise Systems
10 信息系统管理 Information Systems Management
11 信息系统策略与创新 Information Systems Strategy and Innovation
12 应用系统分析 Applied Systems Analysis
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