The QBS Masters of Science degree in Medical Informatics provides training in Data Wrangling, Exploratory Data Analysis, Statistical Modelling, Machine Learning and Data Visualization. Graduates will receive interdisciplinary training for careers in Industry, Biomedical Research, Government Agencies and Nonprofit Health Organizations.
序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 数据可视化 | Data Visualization |
2 | 数据整理 | Data Wrangling |
3 | 应用机器学习 | Applied Machine Learning |
4 | 生物统计学基础2:回归 | Foundations of Biostatistics II: Regression |
5 | 流行病学1 | Epidemiology I |
6 | 健康服务研究高级方法 | Advanced methods in Health Services Research |
7 | 决策和成本效益分析 | Decision & Cost Effectiveness Analysis |
8 | 健康信息学 | Health Informatics |
9 | 编程与计算机科学基础 | Fundamentals of Programming & Computer Science |
10 | 顶点项目 | Capstone |