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Master of Business Operational Excellence
综合排名:  54
所属院校:  俄亥俄州立大学哥伦布分校

How do you create an organization where everyone is continuously learning, improving and remaining committed to its purpose every day? Leaders from various industries including healthcare, information technology, manufacturing and finance are constantly searching for the answer to this question.

Through research, teaching and outreach, we found that creating this perpetual learning organization and culture requires four distinct learning systems: alignment and adaptability systems, people development systems, problem solving systems, and daily management systems. We refer to these four systems collectively as Operational Excellence Systems.

The Master of Business Operational Excellence (MBOE) is an innovative 12-month executive master’s program focused on preparing leaders who are able to design and manage these four systems at various levels within their organization. Our students are guided by an experienced project coach and sponsor in this learning journey, and become experts in systems thinking, change management and decision making.


Some candidates may be asked to take the GMAT if their undergraduate GPA is below a 3.0 or for other reasons. If this is required, please have the test scores sent directly to the Fisher College of Business, School Code #ZLJ-9D-47. If you have any questions regarding the possibility of having to submit a GMAT score, please contact Beth Miller at miller.6148@osu.edu.

Minimum Acceptable Scores:

TOEFL: 600 paper-based; 100 internet-based


序号 课程介绍 Curriculum
1 了解卓越运营手册 Understanding the Operational Excellence Play Book
2 管理产品和流程 Managing Product and Process Flows
3 建立战略规范 Establishing Strategic Norms
4 日常管理系统 Daily Management Systems
5 为战略优势建立运营能力 Building Operational Capabilities for Strategic Advantage
6 了解和处理棘手的问题 Understanding and Managing Tough Problems
7 领导创新与变革 Leading Innovation and Change
8 维持卓越运营手册 Sustaining the Operational Excellence Play Book
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