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MSc in Accounting
综合排名:  82
所属院校:  密歇根州立大学

The 30-credit program may be completed in one academic year, unless prerequisite business and accounting courses are required based upon deficiencies in the undergraduate degree program of the applicant. Professional experience is not required for admission to the program.

Flexibility is the key characteristic of the M.S. in Accounting Program. That is, subject to certain broad guidelines, each student's program of study is developed to further her or his chosen professional objectives and to build on, or complete, the student's prior academic background. A student selects one of three accounting specialty "options" consisting of four or five required courses:

 • Public and Corporate Accounting (PCA)

• Taxation (TAX)

• Information System (IS)

Students complement their accounting education with other business courses in finance, supply chain management, management, marketing and communication.

Two academic advisors are dedicated to help students in developing education plans and achieve their educational goals by providing counsel, accurate, and timely information. 


Academic credentials

The minimum standards for admission to the M.S. in Accounting program are:

1. A bachelor’s degree in accounting from a recognized educational institution, or a bachelor’s degree that includes the prerequisites of intermediate financial accounting, a survey of calculus, and probability and statistics.*

2. A cumulative grade-point average of at least a 3.0 from any institution attended.

A cumulative grade-point average of at least a 3.0 in any junior and senior level accounting courses.

*Although students may be accepted into the program whose undergraduate degree is not in accounting, these students will be required to complete all undergraduate accounting major courses (equivalent to an MSU undergraduate degree in accounting) prior to, or during enrollment in the M.S. in Accounting program.

Standardized tests (GRE or GMAT)

The program accepts either the GMAT or GRE exam, with a minimum GMAT score of 550 (school code: QH0-5P-32) or strong GRE scores (school code: 1465).

Language requirements

A minimum International language Testing System (IELTS) band score of 7, OR a minimum score in any of the following Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) formats:

600 on paper-based TOEFL

250 on computer version of TOEFL

100 on iBT (internet-based) TOEFL

序号 课程介绍 Curriculum
1 财务报表分析 Financial Statement Analysis
2 当代财务报告决策 Contemporary Financial Reporting Decisions
3 高级审计 Advanced Auditing
4 公司和股东的联邦所得税 Federal Income Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders
5 战略管理控制系统 Strategic Management Control Systems
6 价值链会计与分析 Value Chain Accounting & Analytics
7 多部门企业会计 Accounting for Multiunit Enterprises
| 面经参考 |

[面试经验]密西根州立大學MSU MSA 2020fall interview面經[2019-11-14]


1. Why do you choose this program?

2. Why do you choose this track? How this program will help you to your career goal?

3. Tell me about the recent working experience and what skills you got?

4. What do you do outside the academic work? What do you passion about? (我向她確認,問的是habits那一類? 她說是的)

5. What do you want to get from this program? What kind of experience both in the academic and non - academic do you want to get?

6. Any questions?


但是講錯了也不要緊張,因為Shannon真的很nice! 她途中鼓勵我好幾次,也說能理解面試會緊張、這很正常,重要的是有從我的回答感受到熱忱(感動啊...)。

另外補充Video Essay的題目,現在似乎是隨機出題了,我遇到的是類似Written Essay B的問題:

What will you contribute to this program?


2019/11/6 submit

2019/11/8 interview invitation

2019/11/14 interview

2019/11/15 admitted.

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