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Master in Analytics and Management
综合排名:  1
所属院校:  伦敦商学院

Combine detailed data analytics knowledge with strong business acumen. On the MAM, you learn through immersion. Explore wide-ranging subjects like Data Visualisation, Machine Learning and AI. Use real data to solve real problems during your live business project, or jump into the vibrant London start-up scene.

In a competitive job market, technical skills alone are not enough. Our Masters in Analytics and Management (MAM) equips you with a robust toolkit by combining London Business School’s superb reputation and world-class faculty in general management with cutting-edge data analytics. This unique one-year programme focuses on the point where business, data and machine learning intersect. 


We accept strong undergraduate degrees (minimum 2:1) in a numerate discipline such as finance, accounting, economics, engineering, chemistry, physics, math, computer science and business and management or other proof of quantitative ability.

序号 课程介绍 Curriculum
1 R语言概论 Introduction to R
2 Python概论 Introduction to Python
3 应用统计学 Applied Statistics
4 商业数据科学1 Data Science for Business I
5 数据管理 Data Management
6 大数据机器学习 Machine Learning for Big Data
7 市场营销 Marketing
8 商业数据科学2 Data Science for Business II
9 数据可视化与解读 Data Visualisation and Storytelling
10 决策分析与建模 Decision Analytics and Modelling
11 商业战略分析 Business Strategy Analytics
12 财务报表分析 Financial Reporting Analytics
13 运筹管理 Operations Management
14 实证金融 Empirical Finance
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