您的位置: 项目库首页 - 诺丁汉大学 - 公共卫生硕士
Master of Public Health
综合排名:  15
所属院校:  诺丁汉大学

With 25 years’ experience of public health education we understand how to deliver the important balance between academic excellence and the real-world practical application of public health skills.

This course is ideal for individuals who:

1. work or plan to work in public health and related fields, both within the UK and in global settings

2. have the required basic academic skills (a good level of mathematical ability is needed to undertake this programme)

3. are keen to study public health with students with diverse backgrounds and experiences

This student-centred course is taught by multi-disciplinary expert epidemiologists, methodologists and public health practitioners. You will engage with staff who are committed to high-quality research and training in investigating the occurrence, causes and prevention of disease in populations.


Entry requirements: 2:1

IELTS: 6.5 (6.0 in each element)

序号 课程介绍 Curriculum
1 公共卫生基础 Fundamentals of Public Health
2 流行病学 Epidemiology
3 医学统计学 Medical Statistics
4 规划和评估公共卫生干预措施 Planning and Evaluating Public Health Interventions
5 公共卫生研究方法 Research Methods for Public Health
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