序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 欧洲一体化历史与理论 | History and Theory of European Integration |
2 | 欧盟政策制定 | Policy-Making in the European Union |
3 | 世界上的欧盟 | The EU in the World |
4 | 方向: | Specialisations: |
5 | 欧盟政策制定和公共政策 | Policy Making and Public Policy in the European Union |
6 | 欧盟管理一体化和形式 | Integration and Forms of Governance in the European Union |
7 | 欧盟的民主与表现 | Democracy and Representation in the European Union |
8 | 欧盟国家和经济体系 | State and Economy within the European Union |
9 | 欧洲理念 | Ideas of Europe |
10 | 欧洲地区与国内政治 | Regional and Domestic Politics in Europe |
11 | 欧洲国际关系 | The International Relations of Europe |
12 | 方法 | Methods |