咨询和学校心理学 (Counseling?Psychology?and School Psychology): Ed.S
早教 (Early Childhood Education): MS;PhD
初等教育 (Elementary Education): MS;PhD
英语教育 (English Education): MS;PhD
英语教学 (English Teaching): MS
特殊学生教育 (Exceptional Student Education): MS
外语与第二语言教育 (Foreign and Second Language Education): MS; PhD
外语与第二语言教学 (Foreign and Second Language Teaching): MS
数学教育 (Mathematics?Education): MS; PhD
数学教学 (Mathematics Teaching): MS
阅读教育与语言艺术 (Reading Education and Language Arts): MS; PhD
科学教育 (Science Education): MS; PhD
社会科学教育 (Social Science Education): MS; PhD
社会科学教学 (Social Science Teaching): MS
特殊教育 (Special Education): MS; PhD
特殊教育研究 (Special Education Studies): MS
视觉障碍 (Visual Disabilities): MS
教育政策与评估 (Education Policy and Evaluation): MS; PhD
教育领导与管理 (Educational Leadership/Administration): MS; PhD
学习与认知 (Learning and Cognition): MS; PhD
运动心理学 (Sports Psychology): MS PhD
教育导论 (Social, Historical, and Philosophical Foundations of Education): MS; PhD
社会文化和国际发展教育研究 (Sociocultural and International Development Education Studies ):MS; PhD
高等教育 (Higher Education): MS; PhD
教学系统 (Instructional Systems): MS; PhD
测量和统计 (Measurement and?Statistics): MS; PhD
项目评估 (Program Evaluation): MS; PhD
体育管理 (Sport?Management ):MS; PhD
序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 数学、工程和科学方面的研究 | Research in Mathematics, Engineering and Science |
2 | 体育、健康和公平发展 | Sport, Health, and Equitable Development |
3 | 高等教育研究、教学和创新 | Higher Education Research, Teaching and Innovation |
4 | 成人学习评价 | Adult Learning Evaluation |
5 | 咨询和职业发展方面的技术研究 | The Study of Technology in Counseling and Career Development |
6 | 高等教育中的领导和道德 | Leadership and Ethics in Higher Education |