序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 审计方向 | Audit Track |
2 | 高级会计 | Advanced Accounting |
3 | 高级联邦税收 | Advanced Federal Taxation |
4 | 会计理论与制度 | Accounting Theory and Institution |
5 | 审计原则 | Principles of Auditing |
6 | 审计模拟 | Audit Simulation |
7 | 商法与隐性负债研究 | Business Law and the Search for Non-Obvious Liabilities |
8 | 会计信息系统 | Accounting Information Systems |
9 | 会计人员沟通技巧 | Communication Skills for the Accounting Profession |
10 | 利润规划与控制原则 | Principles of Profit Planning and Control |
11 | 职业会计伦理 | Ethics for Professional Accountants |
12 | 财务报表会计分析 | Accounting Analysis of Financial Statements |
13 | 会计技术:微软Excel | Technology for Accountants: Microsoft Excel |
14 | 会计技术:QuickBooks | Technology for Accountants: QuickBooks |
15 | 国际财务报告准则 | International Financial Reporting Standards |
16 | 非营利实体会计 | Accounting for Not-for-Profit Entities |
17 | 税务方向 | Tax Track |
18 | 高级会计 | Advanced Accounting |
19 | 审计原则 | Principles of Auditing |
20 | 税务调查 | Tax Research |
21 | 不动产交易税 | Taxation of Real Estate Transactions |
22 | 税收规定及相关专题 | Tax Provision and Related Topics |
23 | 纳税申报准备实验室 | Tax Return Preparation Lab |
24 | 会计技术:微软Excel | Technology for Accountants: Microsoft Excel |
25 | 会计技术:QuickBooks | Technology for Accountants: QuickBooks |
26 | 职业会计师伦理 | Ethics for Professional Accountants |
27 | 商法 | Business Law |
28 | 非营利实体会计 | Accounting for Not for Profit Entities |
29 | 不动产与信托 | Estates and Trusts |
30 | 联邦所得税 | Federal Income Tax |
31 | 遗产税与赠与税 | Estates and Gift Taxation |
32 | 联邦税收政策 | Federal Tax Policy |