杜克大学量化管理硕士(商业分析)课程旨在让学生深入了解量化工具,培养团队协作和沟通技能。学生可以在不同的领域开发新的技能,拓宽人际交往能力,同时提升新的技术能力。杜克大学量化管理硕士并非传统的分析学, 而是在广义管理学的基础上加一些难度并不是很高的数据科学和分析学的课程,即便没有编程和数据处理基础的同学也能顺利学习。杜克大学商学院在教学方面比较注重案例分析,与其他商业分析项目会有所区别。
序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 商业基础 | Business Fundamentals |
2 | 应用概率统计 | Applied Probability & Statistics |
3 | 数据基础设施 | Data Infrastructure |
4 | 商业数据科学 | Data Science for Business |
5 | 批判性思维、沟通和协作 | Critical Thinking, Communication, and Collaboration |
6 | 数字营销 | Digital Marketing |
7 | 实证经济分析 | Empirical Economic Analysis |
8 | 财务报告基础 | Financial Reporting Foundations |
9 | 中级财务 | Intermediate Finance |
10 | 市场情报 | Market Intelligence |
11 | 运营分析 | Operations Analytics |
12 | 财务报表舞弊 | Financial Statement Fraud |
13 | 数据可视化 | Data Visualization |
14 | 数据分析的道德和法律问题 | Ethical & Legal Issues of Data Analytics |
15 | 金融风险管理 | Financial Risk Management |
[面试经验] 【面经】Duke MQM: BA R1录取
10.20 提交申请
11.19 收到面试邀请
11.26 成功预约面试
11.28 Skype面试
12.10 收到offer call
12.11 收到邮件status update
1. walk me through your resume and why you choose Duke Fuqua and the MQM program
2. what can you contribute to Fuqua
3. where do you see yourself after graduating from Fuqua
4. tell me about one of your successful leadership experiences and what you learned from it
5. have you worked with any foreigners in XXX
6. what are the most important things you learned from your internships
7. which track did you choose and why
8. tell me a failure in your teamwork experience and how you handled it
9. what's your understanding of leadership and tell me about a leader you admire
10. what's your understanding of diversity and tell me about a leadership experience when your team members are diversified
11. what's your plan if you are not admitted to Fuqua
12. what can you contribute in your teams in Fuqua
13. why Duke Fuqua not other schools
14. do you have any questions for me
[面试经验] Duke mqm R1 面经 [2019-11-26]
1.为什么选fuqua, 为什么选MQM
2. 遇到一个特别shy的队友怎么办
3. 加入一个其他人都互相认识,就你是个陌生人的team怎么办
4. 用三个词形容你自己
5. plan B
6.看起来你没什么实习经验,你从professor,supervisor之类的人身上学到什么人生经验了吗 7. constructive feedback
8. Q&A
[面试经验] Duke mqm R1 面经 [2019-11-30]
1. self-intro
2. experience to influence others
3. how to understand diversity in a team
4. experience to influence others
5. what unique experience can bring to Fuqua
6. strengths
7. constructive negative feedback
8. Q&A
[面试经验] Duke MQM R1 面经 with Ashish [2019-11-29]
1. Self-introduction
2. Go through your resume
3. why MQM
4. first track
5. why Fuqua
6. which club/activity would you like to participate in
7. 如何和不太好相处的队员相处
8. how you teammate would describe you ( 三点)
9. your weakness
10. Team Fuqua
11. Q&A
[面试经验] Duke MQM 2020 R1(已录) 面经 [2019-11-29]
11/28 interview with MBA
1. tell me something about yourself (self-introduction)
2. What is the most significant thing you can bring to Fuqua?
3. Admired manager/leader/mentor and why?
4. Why does Fuqua appeal to you?
5. Why now? (why not work for a few years and get an MBA)
6. Why this track and the second choice of track?
7. Career goal after graduation
8. Constructive feedback and how did you respond?
9. Most unforgettable teamwork experience in internship?
10. How would you improve your leadership skills at Fuqua if admitted?
11. Leadership experience outside of school/work (asking about extra-curricular activities)
12. If someone in your team does not cooperate, what will you do? (How to motivate people)
13. List 3 most important characteristics that you think will make a great team.
14. Did you apply to other programs? (Plan B if not admitted to Fuqua)
15. Q&A
[面试经验] Duke MQM R1 Interview 1128 [2019-11-28]
2.why Fuqua
3. leadership experience
4.How to improve leadership in Fuqua
5. teamwork给很多情景,比如有人不积极配合怎么办,出现矛盾怎么办等
6.怎么理解inclusion 这个就是瞎说的:)
8.经历过的communication failure 从中学到了什么
9.back-up plan 是什么
10. Q&A:我问了问他的经历
[面试经验] 【已录】Duke Fuqua MQM R1 Interview 20191127
1. Self-introduction
2. Why Fuqua
3. Career goal
4. How you contribute to Fuqua
5. Greatest accomplishment
6. How to practice leadership at Fuqua
7. Teamwork with conflicts
8. Leadership experience
9. Failure
10. Constructive feedback
11. Plan B for career
12. Why MQM at Fuqua
13. 怎么看待teamwork中free rider的问题,会做什么
14. 对于diversity的看法
15. Q&A
[面试经验] 2020 Duke MQM R1 新鲜面经 (花式提问leadership&teamwork)
面试官是超级nice 又有点强势的 Lilian Izuorah小姐姐,没啥废话上流程:
Introduce yourself
Go through the resume
What your have learned from you past three intership experience?
Say a thing you've ever done that you are proud of
Tell me about one of your successful leadership experiences and what you learned from it
Tell me about a leadership experience when your team members are diversified
Tell me a story that prove listening is important (这个问题真没见过,但容易即兴发挥,讲了我在实习的时候没听清经理的要求被要求任务重做)
After that experience, what do you do to understand others' requirements?
What will you do if you know no one in a new team?
Why do you choose MQM? Why this track?
What is your plan if you are not admitted into this program?
Anything you want to tell the AO that is not in your resume?
[面试经验] 【已录】Duke mqm R1 interview with Mike Treiser[2019-11-26]
面试官是DUKE MBA的在读 人挺nice的,11点准时一个 Skype video call 打过来
然后一顿彩虹屁夸说我的resume impressive 但是想知道除了我写的paper材料以外的东西
how your friends and family describe you
constructive feedback
failure and how you learn from it
how would you engage in a diverse team
what's your plan to make contribution to team fuqua and why is important
what's plan B if not admitted
based on QA 补充聊了一下 你对这个项目有什么nervous的地方吗
[面试经验] 【已录】Duke MQM 面筋攒人品~
1. walk through resume
2. failure experience as a leader
3. how to deal with conflict in team, example
4. why Fuqua
5. 有关于listening 的..但是我当时就没太听清现在也记不太住了。。
6. contribute to Fuqua
7. 在哪工作
8. Q&A
[面试经验] DUKE MQM R1 2019秋申请面试经验&已录 [2019-11-26]
MQM校友面,是一个基本上没有口音的印度小哥Bhupesh Singh,他目前在佛罗里达工作,因此Skype迟到了20分钟。整个面试大概持续了26分钟。
Introduce yourself
Long term goal
Leadership experience sharing
Problems in the team, when you are leader
Leadership experience that change your perspective
Why Fuqua,MQM
How you contribute
12/10 一早上就打电话过来了,finance track。