序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 哲学高级专题 | Advanced Topics in Philosophy |
2 | 欧洲哲学发展轨迹:从康德到现在 | The European Philosophical Trajectory: From Kant to the Present |
3 | 维特根斯坦的遗产 | Legacies of Wittgenstein |
4 | 哲学文学硕士论文 | MA Philosophy Dissertaton |
5 | 阿多诺与批判性理论 | Adorno and Critical Theory |
6 | 当代大陆政治理论 | Contemporary Continental Political Theory |
7 | 大陆美学 | Continental Aesthetics |
8 | 人权:从理论到实践 | Human Rights: From Theory to Practice |
9 | 身份、权力与激进政治理论 | Identity、Power and Radical Political Theory |
10 | 政治概念 | Political Concepts |
11 | 世纪的法国思想 | Twentieth Century French Thought |