序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 电力系统分析 | Power Systems Analysis |
2 | 分布式发电 | Distributed Generation |
3 | 智能电网和活跃的网络设备 | Smartgrids and Active Network Devices |
4 | 电力系统保护 | Power System Protection |
5 | 状态监控 | Condition Monitoring |
6 | 系统建模和预测 | Systems Modelling and Forecasting |
7 | 高电压技术 | High Voltage Technology |
8 | 替代性能源研究 | Alternative Energy Systems |
9 | 可持续能源研究 | Sustainable Energy Studies |
10 | 高级电力电子学 | Advanced Power Electronics |
11 | 数字信号处理概论 | Introduction to Digital Signal Processing |
12 | 工业计算机控制系统 | Industrial Computer Control Systems |
13 | 产业管理 | Management in Industry |
14 | 能源管理 | Energy Management |