序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 高级财务报告 | Advanced Financial Reporting |
2 | 研究方法 | Research Methods |
3 | 管理会计与组织绩效控制 | Management Accounting and the Control of Organizational Performance |
4 | 金融与投资 | Finance and Investment |
5 | 会计学研究议题 | Research Topics in Accounting |
6 | 金融学研究议题 | Research Topics in Finance |
7 | 国际公司金融 | International Corporate Finance |
8 | 金融衍生产品 | Financial Derivatives |
9 | 国际会计 | International Accounting |
10 | 中国会计与金融 | Accounting and Finance in China |
11 | 资产定价 | Asset Pricing |
12 | 考试和论文 | Assesseed Assignments、Examination and Dissertation |