序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 政治学与政治经济学 | Political Science and Political Economy |
2 | 政治学博弈论 | Game Theory for Political Science |
3 | 应用回归分析 | Applied Regression Analysis |
4 | 观察和实验研究的因果推断 | Causal Inference for Observational and Experimental Studies |
5 | 政党、选举和政府 | Parties、Elections and Governments |
6 | 政治学与政治经济学:高级专题 | Political Science and Political Economy: Advanced Topics |
7 | 欧洲公民的政治行为:选举舆论和身份认同 | Citizens' Political Behaviour in Europe: Elections Public Opinion and Identities |
8 | 社会选择理论与民主政治 | Social Choice Theory and Democracy |
9 | 立法政治:美国 | Legislative Politics: US |
10 | 经济政策政治学 | Politics of Economic Policy |
11 | 立法政治:欧洲议会 | Legislative Politics: European Parliament |
12 | 全球经济制度 | Institutions in the Global Economy |
13 | 政治学应用定量方法 | Applied Quantitative Methods for Political Science |
14 | 行为与实验政治经济学 | Behavioural and Experimental Political Economy |
15 | 舆论、政治心理学与公民身份 | Public Opinion、Political Psychology and Citizenship |