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M.Sc. in Transport & Logistics
综合排名:  2
所属院校:  南洋理工大学


南洋理工大学交通与物流理学硕士由慕尼黑工业大学亚洲(TUM Asia)开设,旨在为学生提供必备的知识和技能,使其能够运用先进计算机通信技术为基础的多元化技术,提出有效且影响深远的解决方案,来应对现代经济中交通方面的挑战。

序号 课程介绍 Curriculum
1 交通方向 Transportation
2 商业与科技英语 Business and Technical English
3 交通影响因素和运输与物流过程评估 Traffic Impacts, Evaluation of Transport and Logistic Processes
4 运输与物流过程统计方法 Statistical Methods for Transportation and Logistic Processes
5 交通流量与交通控制基础 Basics of Traffic Flow and Traffic Control
6 交通与城市规划 Transport and Urban Planning
7 铁路与道路设计 Railway and Road Design
8 交通运行管理与控制 Traffic Operation and Control (ITS)
9 运输过程建模与仿真工具 Transportation Modelling and Simulation Tools
10 公共交通规划 Public Transport Planning
11 机场与港口设计 Airport and Harbour Design
12 交通基础设施的建造与维护 Construction and Maintenance of Traffic Infrastructure
13 城市道路设计物流方向 Urban Road DesignLogistics
14 商业与科技英语 Business and Technical English
15 交通影响和运输与物流过程评估 Traffic Impacts, Evaluation of Transport and Logistic Processes
16 运输与物流过程统计方法 Statistical Methods for Transportation and Logistic Processes
17 商业物流与供应链管理概论 Introduction to Business Logistics and Supply Chain Management
18 物流管理的决策支持 Decision Support for Logistics Management
19 物料处理系统的设计与应用 Design and Applications of Material Handling Systems
20 工业物流 Industrial Logistics
21 消费行业供应链管理 Consumer Industry Supply Chain Management
22 物流服务供应商管理 Logistics Service Provider (LSP) Management
23 卫生保健物流 Health Care Logistics
24 绿色供应链管理 Green Supply Chain Management
25 建设物流 Construction Logistics
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