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发布时间:2020-02-17 来源:毕达留学
【 学校简介 】
凯斯西储大学(Case Western Reserve University)是美国一所私立研究大学,位于俄亥俄州的克里夫兰。成立于1967年,是凯斯理工学院(创立于1880年)及西储大学(创立于1826年)两校合并而成。凯斯西储大学的研究及教学的范围涵盖了艺术与科学、工程、健康医学、法律、管理以及社会工作等等。该校是一所在全美居于领导地位的研究型学府,长久以来在全美名列前茅,享受全美顶尖名校荣誉。虽然是一所私立大学,但该校以研究为导向的学风与杰出的研究成果使其能获得美国联邦政府的高额预算补助;再加上与产业界合作密切,与一些著名机构都有相关的研究及合作计划,凯斯西储大学具有雄厚的资金支持教学和研究,奠定了它在全美、甚至全球的地位,更增加了不少研究生申请奖学金的机会。
【 专业简介 】

Do you want to convert big data into understandable models that might change the world? With a graduate degree in Systems Biology and Bioinformatics, you will combine your love of math, statistics, computers and biology to develop computational models with which to provide new insight and understanding of big data, leading to big discoveries in laboratory and clinical settings.

Data science is the convergence of data engineering, math, statistics, advanced computing, the scientific method and subject-matter expertise. It involves the collection, management, analysis and transformation of "big data" into actionable information that can answer some of the world's most pressing problems. There is a distinct need for data science experts who can efficiently interpret data into information that is useful for strategic decision-making. It is the goal of the Systems Biology and Bioinformatics program to produce these scientists that are needed to assist in extracting meaning from the burgeoning biological 'omics field.

The SYBB program offers a multidisciplinary training program personally customized to each student leading to an MS or PhD. The program draws training faculty (currently more than 40 trainers) from more than 12 departments and 6 schools across the CWRU campus, ensuring students in the program acquire the expertise needed to succeed in the bioinformatic analysis of biological big data.

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