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发布时间:2020-02-05 来源:毕达留学
【 学校简介 】
西北大学(Northwestern University),于1851年创立,是美国著名的高等学府之一,这所私人学府位于伊利诺州的埃文斯顿市,临近芝加哥,是十大联盟高校之一。虽不是常青藤联盟的成员,但比起在美国东部地区同等级的学校来说更专注于教学的实用性和职业导向性。在美国,西北大学是人人皆知的名牌大学,其商学院从1988年至1994年,六年蝉联美国各名牌大学商学院的排名第一位。它招收严格,只录取最优秀的人才入内深造。在2011《美国新闻与世界报道》美国大学排名中,西北大学的商学院排名第5、法学院排名第12、医学院排名第19、工程学院排名第20。
【 专业简介 】

Science, engineering, and technology are increasingly driving the world economy. STEM professionals who understand and anticipate the legal, regulatory, and business implications of their work will be best prepared to lead the development of innovation and policy.

The unique MSL curriculum centers on the intersection of law, business, and technology, with specific focus areas in business law and entrepreneurship, intellectual property and patent design, and regulatory analysis and strategy. Courses are designed specifically for MSL students, and students have the flexibility to design course plans that fit their particular interests and professional goals.

MSL students greatly benefit from studying at one of the nation’s most prestigious law schools. Students have access to a highly successful alumni base, in addition to world-renowned faculty and broader Northwestern University resources. Northwestern Law is also a long-standing leader in curricular innovation, known for launching several other path-breaking programs. MSL students truly enjoy the best of both worlds: an innovative, new law degree awarded by an established, world-class law school.

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