WUSTL Olin商学院2019FALL申请要求变化

发布时间:2018年08月30日 来源:毕达留学


以往来看Olin 商学院的第一轮截止在10月上旬,例如18年秋季申请, MSF 的截止时间为10月3号。然而今年从Olin 商学院官网更新的申请信息来看,第一轮截止时间推后,改在了10月17号, 录取结果发布时间为12月19号。具体如下:

并且一共有三轮截止时间,但国际生需要注意的是建议在前两轮申请。和18年申请相比, 轮次上少了11月份截止的轮次,并且国际生最后的申请时间提前(18申请季截止时间分别是2017-10-3;2017-11-30;2018-2-1)。


A: 申请材料



Standardized test scores (unofficial)

Academic transcripts (unofficial)

B: 文书



对于熟悉Olin 商学院的小僧来说,过往申请季此校最大的申请特点是无需推荐人提交推荐信,或提供任何推荐人的信息。然而今年最大的变化是需要提供一封推荐信,并且要求是工作/实习推荐信(    One professional recommendation)。



MSF 金融项目

One required and one optional essay:

There is no doubt that the financial services industry is always changing. Describe the most important issues facing firms in the financial services industry in 2019 and how you plan to use your skills to be a part of its future. (500-word maximum)


Optional: Is there anything else you’d like to share? If so, please provide any additional information not previously addressed in the application that would help the Admissions Committee assess your candidacy.

Career plan: Please describe your immediate career plans after graduation from Olin. (250-word maximum)

MSBA 商业分析项目

One required and one optional essay:

Today’s companies are using data to discover insights and drive decisions. Tell us how you use a values-based, data-driven approach to solve complex problems. (500-word maximum)


Optional: Is there anything else you’d like to share? If so, please provide any additional information not previously addressed in the application that would help the Admissions Committee assess your candidacy.

Career plan: Please describe your immediate career plans after graduation from Olin. (250-word maximum)

Master of Accounting 会计项目

One required and one optional essay:

Share with us your decision to pursue the Master of Accounting program and identify the skills and traits you feel are most important to be successful in accounting. (500-word maximum)

与我们分享你决定申请会计硕士项目的原因, 以及你觉得成为一名成功的会计最重要的技能和特质是什么。

Optional: Is there anything else you’d like to share? If so, please provide any additional information not previously addressed in the application that would help the Admissions Committee assess your candidacy.

Career plan: Please describe your immediate career plans after graduation from Olin. (250-word maximum)

18申请季同一学院下不同专业的文书题目都是一致的,500字的自我介绍和职业规划。然而19年申请季, 三个商学院项目的文书题目看下来。

首先相同点。所有项目都是需要提供一篇250字的学业完成后职业目标规划和一篇optional的essay, 针对任何特殊情况需要解释或者想要录取委员会了解的信息。无字数的要求。

另外不同点。针对专业不同, 需要完成的required essay题目根据专业性质不同而变化。金融侧重金融领域的变化,商业分析想要了解学生数据分析能力和经验,会计专业重在了解学生申请的决心和成为会计师的能力。

C: 网申还是要求interview video

具体的形式是否还有所变化, 我们拭目以待。


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