发布时间:2018年06月21日 来源:毕达留学
全球法学Top 16的新南威尔士大学(UNSW)推出:澳洲首个不需要法律学位背景的法学硕士LLM!
消息来源(官网):From 2019, UNSW Law will offer a single Master’s program that combines broad interdisciplinary insights with detailed examination of legal issues, including how technology is reshaping the legal landscape. The program will be open to people with or without a law degree, a first for an Australian law school.
新南威尔士大学(University of New South Wales,简称UNSW),位于澳洲悉尼市,澳洲八大之一。QS全球综合排名Top 45,全球法学院排名Top 16。2014年起,UNSW的本科及硕士毕业生就业率,平均起薪水为澳洲第一。根据各项学术评鉴与科学研究排名显示,UNSW是澳洲高科技和高等研究的先驱领导大学,也是澳洲商业,法律和理工菁英的所在地。
UNSW法学院开设的Master of Laws (LLM),从2019年开始,接受无法律背景的申请者。项目为期一年(8门课程),提供8个学习分支给学生,包括:
• Chinese and International Business and Economic Law
• Corporate, Commercial and Taxation Law
• Criminal Justice and Criminology
• Dispute Resolution
• Environmental Law and Sustainable Development
• Human Rights Law and Policy
• International Law
• Media, Intellectual Property and Technology Law
虽然这个项目不要求申请者具备法学学位(a law degree),但是要求申请者拥有2年相关专业经验(Includes professional experience with legal and/or policy issues. For example, you may have engaged with the law via policy-making, handling contracts or engaging with the justice system as a social worker or criminologist. )。
此外,UNSW对国际学生的语言要求为雅思总分6.5(小分6.0),GPA 72%。
消息来源(官网):From 2019, UNSW Law will offer a single Master’s program that combines broad interdisciplinary insights with detailed examination of legal issues, including how technology is reshaping the legal landscape. The program will be open to people with or without a law degree, a first for an Australian law school.
新南威尔士大学(University of New South Wales,简称UNSW),位于澳洲悉尼市,澳洲八大之一。QS全球综合排名Top 45,全球法学院排名Top 16。2014年起,UNSW的本科及硕士毕业生就业率,平均起薪水为澳洲第一。根据各项学术评鉴与科学研究排名显示,UNSW是澳洲高科技和高等研究的先驱领导大学,也是澳洲商业,法律和理工菁英的所在地。
UNSW法学院开设的Master of Laws (LLM),从2019年开始,接受无法律背景的申请者。项目为期一年(8门课程),提供8个学习分支给学生,包括:
• Chinese and International Business and Economic Law
• Corporate, Commercial and Taxation Law
• Criminal Justice and Criminology
• Dispute Resolution
• Environmental Law and Sustainable Development
• Human Rights Law and Policy
• International Law
• Media, Intellectual Property and Technology Law
虽然这个项目不要求申请者具备法学学位(a law degree),但是要求申请者拥有2年相关专业经验(Includes professional experience with legal and/or policy issues. For example, you may have engaged with the law via policy-making, handling contracts or engaging with the justice system as a social worker or criminologist. )。
此外,UNSW对国际学生的语言要求为雅思总分6.5(小分6.0),GPA 72%。