
发布时间:2017年04月21日 来源:互联网

Colleges with Strong Engineering Programs

Institution 工科生比例 录取率 SAT中段分数 ACT中段分数
富兰克林欧林学院  Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering 100% 9% 1470-1560 32-35
韦伯学院             Webb Institute 100% 36% 1420-1500 30-33
科罗拉多矿业大学  Colorado School of Mines 88% 38% 1250-1420 28-32
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology 82% 58% 1180-1420 28-32
伍斯特理工学院   Worcester Polytechnic Institute 72% 49% 1210-1420 27-32
佐治亚理工学院     Georgia Institute of Technology 61% 25% 1310-1500 30-33
伦斯勒理工学院  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 56% 42% 1280-1490 28-32
California Maritime Academy 37% 82% 1000-1210 21-27
哈维穆德学院    Harvey Mudd College 37% 13% 1400-1560 33-35
加州理工学院       California Institute of Technology 36% 8% 1500-1600 34-35
麻省理工学院 MIT 35% 8% 1430-1570 33-35
凯斯西储大学  Case Western Reserve University 29% 36% 1320-1450 30-33
Lehigh University 28% 30% 1230-1420 29-32
California State Polytechnic University -   San Luis Obispo 26% 31% 1130-1340 26-31
普渡大学 Purdue University 25% 59% 1080-1330 25-31
Virginia Military Institute 25% 53% 1060-1220 23-27
North Carolina State 25% 50% 1180-1320 27-31
卡耐基梅隆大学 Carnegie Mellon University 24% 22% 1360-1540 31-34
Virginia Polytechnic Institute 23% 73% 1100-1320 24-29
莱斯大学  Rice University 21% 15% 1390-1560 32-35
California State Polytechnic University -   Pomona 21% 39% 920-1180 20-27
Clemson University 20% 51% 1170-1340 27-31
普林斯顿大学 Princeton University 20% 6% 1390-1590 32-35
斯坦福大学 Stanford University 20% 5% 1390-1580 31-35
Drexel University 19% 75% 1110-1300 25-30
Johns Hopkins University 19% 12% 1400-1550 32-34
University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign  18% 58% 1270-1470 26-31
德州农工大学 Texas A&M University 18% 66% 1070-1310 25-30
University of Maine 17% 91% 960-1210 21-28
杜克大学 Duke University 17% 10% 1360-1550 31-34
康奈尔大学 Cornell University 16% 14% 1350-1510 30-34
Santa Clara University 16% 49% 1210-1400 27-32
密歇根大学安娜堡 University of Michigan - Ann Arbor 16% 29% 1290-1500 29-33
圣路易斯华盛顿大学 Washington University at St. Louis 16% 17% 1400-1550 32-34
Lafayette College 16% 30% 1200-1380 27-31
University of Dayton 16% 58% 1030-1250 24-29
University of Massachusetts - Lowell 16% 57% 1090-1240 23-29
Bucknell University 15% 25% 1230-1380 28-32
State University of New York -   Environmental Science and Forestry 15% 52% 1120-1300 25-29
Oregon State University 15% 78% 970-1240 21-28
东北大学 Northeastern University 15% 28% 1340-1510 31-34
宾州州立大学帕克分校 Pennsylvania State University -   University Park 15% 51% 1090-1300 25-29
University of California - Merced 14% 74% 900-1120 19-24
弗吉尼亚大学 University of Virginia 14% 29% 1250-1460 29-33
范德堡大学 Vanderbilt University 13% 10% 1430-1590 32-35
联合学院 union   College 13% 36% 1240-1400 29-32
佛罗里达大学 University of Florida 13% 43% 1170-1350 27-31
Ohio State University - Columbus 13% 49% 1170-1390 27-31
University of the Pacific 13% 65% 1010-1280 22-29
加州大学伯克利 University of California - Berkeley 12% 17% 1250-1500 29-34
西北大学 Northwestern University 12% 11% 1400-1560 31-34
University of Rochester 12% 34% 1240-1470 29-33
University of Maryland - College Park 12% 48% 1240-1400 27-32
德克萨斯大学奥斯汀  University of Texas - Austin 12% 39% 1170-1390 26-31
University of North Carolina - Charlotte 11% 63% 1010-1180 22-25
加州大学欧文分校 University of California - Irvine 11% 41% 1040-1310 22-29
University of Nebraska 11% 76% 1000-1290 22-28
匹兹堡大学 University of Pittsburgh 11% 54% 1180-1350 26-31
University of Minnesota 11% 45% 1210-1400 26-31
Gonzaga University 10% 73% 1090-1290 25-29
Rutgers University - New Brunswick 10% 58% 1110-1340 24-30
Marquette University 10% 74% 1090-1280 24-30
University of Tennessee - Knoxville 10% 76% 1050-1260 24-30
State University of New York - Binghamton 10% 42% 1230-1383 27-31
University of Colorado - Boulder 10% 80% 1090-1280 24-30

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