历年伦敦商学院金融分析硕士(LBS MFA)面经

发布时间:2019年08月08日 来源:毕达留学
下面是来自于已经录取的毕达学子的2017、2018、2019年伦敦商学院金融分析硕士(LBS MFA)面经整理,供大家参考。


因为大四上在UC Berkeley交换,所以LBS安排的在湾区工作的校友面试,跟面试官定的12月7号咖啡馆,11:00-11:50,面试50min。







Why LBS? why this program?




Why do you choose your current subject for undergraduate degree? 
Three things you learned from your previous internships
Are you coming back to China or going to other places after graduation?
Why do you want to be an equity researcher?
Why did you decide to apply to LBS?
Tell me about your exchange program in USA, what did you learn or experience?
Why did you choose this school for exchange?
Tell me about an experience that you team up with others
The things you did as a leader that are different from other team members
What did you learn from your teamwork experiences?
Your greatest achievement in your undergraduate life
What other programs did you apply? Any offer or result from them?
Any clubs you are interested in?
If you are admitted by LBS and IC Business School, which would you choose and why
Current business news and your view



面试的是admission officer,问的大部分是behavioral问题,大致都有准备到,但是有一些有点难答,学生说有几个问题要求列出三点,在短时间内想到有点困难。另一个感受就是自己的几段经历都快说烂了。最后问了final decision是在12.15之前
1. Why did you choose SYSU as your undergraduate university? Whiy did you choose Finance
2. The biggiest challenge during undergraduate study
3. Why did you choose to apply master degree at this time
4. Why did you choose to apply to the MFA programme
5. What do you expect to develop in LBS academically, professionally, and personally
6. What do you think will be the biggest challenges in MFA program
7. What will you do when you are in LBS diversified environment
8. What club do you want to join in LBS
9. Proudest achievement in life so far
10. Career goals( Dream company)
11. How do you fit with your career goals
12. What's your plan B for the career goal
13. What attributes do you think make a person a good leader
14. Share a piece of business news, and give you comments 
15. Share a teamwork experience
16.What's your role in this teamwork, and how you contribute to the team
17. What will you deal with idea disagreement in your team
18. What's your way of recreation
19. Some questions to ask


面试官是校友Grace Fu,2015MIM,约在校友的公司面试。
很多都不是面经的 都是有拓展的 需要自己适当改动然后发挥
1. 抛开学术和实习经历,你比其他中国申请者强的一点?因为到面试这关的人学术都很强
2. 你在广发的两份实习 各自遇到的挑战?
3. 除了summer以外 你的其他国际经历?
4. 伦敦对你来说 最吸引的地方?
5. 你的特殊经历 问了两次,要说两段。
6. teamwork 里 有人不配合的经历
7. 获取新闻资讯的来源,还深入问了
8. 如何处理cultural conflicts还有你在材料里写到的language problems?

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