
发布时间:2015年06月17日 来源:毕达留学
独立写作 真题回忆:

Playing sports teaches people important lessons about life.
综合写作 真题回忆:

是关于May Celeste boat sinking and people missing的不同看法。

Another theory is based on the fact that the Mary Celeste was transporting flammable liquid stored in barrels.船上载着桶装的易燃液体。
The third theory asserts that the captain and crew may have determined that the ship was in danger of sinking.船有沉没的危险,他们弃船逃生。

None of the theoried in the reading is convincing.

The crew was not the vicitim of pirate.因为Captain和crew没有钱,不会被抢劫,抢船上其他人的钱也不太可能,因为海盗抢了之后也没法下船。
The ship could not have been transporting flamable liquid,because if it was transporting flammable liquid on aboard,the liquid may diffuse an unpleasant smell,which would linger for a long time.But there is no smell in the ship.If there was really smell,the crew could not to;erate it for such a long time.

hasten     rush
exotic     foreign
recognize     accept
contemporary     at that time
dominate     control
dismissed     rejected
elevated     high
simultaneously     at the same time
diffuion     spread

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