长达2个小时的伦敦商学院(London Business School) Master in Management面经

发布时间:2014年12月22日 来源:毕达留学
伦敦商学院(London Business School,简称LBS),伦敦大学下属的一所商学院。在商科和管理学方面在欧洲乃至全世界都具有领导地位,英国Top 1的商学院,牛津剑桥都得排在后面。创立于1965年,没有本科教育,专门招收研究生和有工作经历的学生。主要有公司治理研究中心、技术学院、私募投资学院,莱曼兄弟女企业家发展研究中心、管理创新实验室等。
前情提要:LBS的招生队去的大上海,但是学生表示在广州买机票飞过去压力山大,于是在Kathy老师的建议下,各种发邮件争取了在深圳校友面。校友是Charles Wang,已经在深圳工作。面试前,LBS先发了基本问题让学生提前准备。问题如下:
The interview will take approximately 60 minutes and will be mostly competency-based.  In order to prepare for the interview, it is advisable to carefully review your CV and application beforehand and consider the following questions:
1) Why did you choose to apply to the Masters in Management programme? Why is London Business School the best place for you to develop professionally and personally?
2) Think about all of your experiences so far - is there anything not mentioned on your essays / CV that you would like to share with us?
3) What do you plan to do after graduating from your post-graduate degree and how does the Masters in Management fit in with your career plans? Are you aware of the realities of the job market in your field of interest?
4) Do you follow international business news? Please do consider current issues within the business world, including how these may impact your future job/industry.  
1. why LBS
2. what club want to join in LBS
3. why consultant(前面谈到以后想做consultant)
4. recent books
5. 旅行难忘的事
6. Diversity(大意是问你怎么促进LBS的diversity)
7. (Tricky的问题来了)你觉得中国有多少部电梯?答案是不是精准的不要紧,主要是想看你的分析过程。
8. other schools apply (后来演变成面试官对LBS的推介会.....)
9. Differences between LBS and other schools 
10. 说一个Recent News和你的看法
11. 针对第10问题的延伸,继续深入问。
Peng同学,国内Top 10的本科,会计专业,GPA 4.0/4.0,GMAT 700+; IELES 7.0+;曾获各类奖学金;海外交流经历,2个相关实习。




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