mcat scores are based on the four parts of the mcat exam: physical sciences (ps), verbal reasoning (vr), biological sciences (bs), and the writing sample (ws).
for ps, there are 77 questions, with a scoring range of 1 to 15.
for vr, there are 60 questions, with a scoring range of 1 to 15.
for bs, there are 77 questions, with a scoring range of 1 to 15.
for ws, there are 2 questions, with a scoring range of j to t.
物理学、语文推理和生物学三个部分的题型均为多项选择题,根据考生答对的题数来计算原始分,然后把原始分折算为 1-15 分的标准成绩。举例来说,如果考生在某一项目中获得的原始分处于 40-43 分的区间内,那么转换以后该项目的标准成绩就是 11 分;如果原始分处于44-46分的区间,转换以后的标准成绩就是 12 分。
在考生收到的mcat成绩单上,除了各分项的单独成绩外,还有一个汇总的成绩。例如,某位考生的物理学、语文推理和生物学都获得了 14 分,而作文得满分,那么他的mcat成绩单将显示为:14,14,14,42t 。