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2012年1-4月雅思口语考试part2预测:A Positive Changemal
来源:毕达教育 发布时间:2012-02-21 15:17:27
2012年的首场雅思考试已经结束,以下为专家对2012年1-4月雅思口语考试part2:A Positive Changemal的预测,各位考生可以以此为参考资料,做好全面复习。希望对大家的雅思口语考试有所帮助。
事件 Event
A Positive Change
Describe a positive change in your life.
You should say:
- when it happened
- where it happened
- what the change was
and explain how you have benefited from this change.
Part 3
Changing jobs
Do Chinese people change jobs very often?
Do you think changing jobs is good?
What do employers think about people who change jobs often?
What are some reasons why some people continue working at the same job for a long time?
What problems can people have when they change jobs frequently?
Do you think people should stay in the same jobs all their lives?
How do you think employers could encourage people not to change jobs?
What do people in China do after they retire?Why do so many people in China move to a different city or even go overseas to study or work?
What do you think are the major challenges of working or studying in another country?
Besides language difficulties, what do you think are the major challenges of working or studying
in another country?
Why do so many Chinese people want to work or study overseas?
Young People and Change
Do you like change?
Do your family members (parents) support you when you make changes to your life?
Are young people in China today more mature than in the past?
How much time do young people in China spend with their parents?
What can young people learn from older people?
Do you think young people can adapt to changes easier than old people?
Do you think China has gone through a lot of changes in recent years?
What changes has new technology brought to people?
What are the most positive changes?
Do you think there will be more changes in the future? (What changes?)
I used to sleep late at night and get up late in the morning. But my parents kept telling me it was
not a healthy daily life routine and I felt uncomfortable too. Moreover, there were some friends
telling me that girls could get older easily in bad daily life routine like this. So I didn't think it was
a bright idea to keep sleeping late and getting up late. I had to make a positive change.
I used to get up at 9 and sleep at 2 and here's the scenario: I get up like a zombie with a big hang
over. I used to feel dizzy and I kept bumping into walls but still felt light headache. My eyes
were blurry and it felt like I was 500 pounds. However, when I get up at 7 and sleep at 11,
those negative effects are all gone. I am energetic all day long and have a very scientific schedule
for working, eating and entertainment. So I am in a very positive mood and manage to do all
things without making mistakes. Moreover, my skin is getting better too.
以上为专家对2012年1-4月雅思口语考试part2预测:A Positive Changemal的全部内容,预祝各位考生取得优异成绩。
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