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来源:毕达教育 发布时间:2012-01-12 10:34:23
Basis vector
A vector of magnitude 1 along one of the coordinate axes. Generally, we take the basis
vectors to be and , the vectors of length 1 along the x- and y-axes, respectively.
When two waves of slightly different frequencies interfere with one another, they produce
a “beating” interference pattern that alternates between constructive (in-phase) and
destructive (out-of-phase). In the case of sound waves, this sort of interference makes a
“wa-wa-wa” sound, and the frequency of the beats is equal to the difference in the frequencies
of the two interfering waves.
Beta decay
A form of radioactive decay where a heavy element ejects a beta particle and a neutrino,
becoming a lighter element in the process.
Beta particle
A particle, identical to an electron. Beta particles are ejected from an atom in the
process of beta decay.
Bohr atomic model
A model for the atom developed in 1913 by Niels Bohr. According to this model,
the electrons orbiting a nucleus can only orbit at certain particular radii. Excited
electrons may jump to a more distant radii and then return to their ground state,
emitting a photon in the process.
Boiling point
The temperature at which a material will change phase from liquid to gas or gas to liquid.
Boyle’s Law
For a gas held at a constant temperature, pressure and volume are inversely proportional.

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