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来源:毕达教育 发布时间:2012-01-11 18:00:06
SSAT考试,全称Secondary School Admission Test,中文名称为美国中学入学考试,适用于美国、加拿大私立中学的入学,是申请者所必须具备的一个考试成绩。SSAT考试主要测量学生的数学、语文以及阅读理解能力,考察考生的逻辑思维和发展潜力。由Admission Test Board命题。针对不同年龄的学生,SSAT考试分为高级(upper level)和低级(lower level),前者针对目前就读8-11年级的学生,后者针对目前就读5-7年级的学生。下面是SSAT考试常见词汇汇总,希望对各位考生有帮助。
Attempting to be funny: jeer; jest; parody; recreation; skit.
Let's get together: adjunct; coalesce; congeal; consensus; contiguous;
fission; fusion; integrate; juxtapose; pact; rendezvous.
Make it official: abdicate; accord; allege; assess; condone; conventional;
counsel; debunk; decree; inquiry; ratify; sustain.
Hard to handle: ambiguous; amorphous; remote; writhe; egress; epoch;
intangible; itinerant; kinetic; obscure; polymorphous; prolific; scull; sporadic;
surrogate; variegated.
The perfect mate: akin; amiable; congenial; equivalent; extol; placate; altruistic;
aspirant; astute; benevolence.
You do not want to know this guy: animosity; debilitating; deficient; insolent; irate;
otorious; profane; recalcitrant; warlock; aloof; banal; belligerent; browbeat; choleric;
garrulous; incompetent; insipid; ostentatious; pedantic; pugnacious; ravenous;
A bad scene: abyss; barrage; brig; hovel; indictment; quiver; plight; rue; adverse;
aggravate; assailable; corpulent; founder; impasse; incumbent; insinuation; mar; null;
repudiate; ruse; sedate; slander; superfluous.
Simply perfect: benign; exquisite; immaculate; robust; clarity; deft; meticulous; pious.
Time to make a speech: illuminate; imply; lament; reminiscence.
Just under the surface: dormant; eradicate; excavate; fundamental; innate; merge.
Hardworking: adept; facet; ingenuity; inscribe; novice; procure; tenacious; toil; vend;
vigor; wane.
Nice attitude: admiring; ambivalent; analytica; biased; brash; cautious; dubious; ironic;
jubilant; objective; sarcastic; skeptical; somber; subjective; temperament.
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