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来源:毕达教育 发布时间:2012-01-12 11:53:14
SAT 2考试是想要申请美国排名在前50的学校所必须的,SAT2考试科目一共有20门,一般的学校都会要求考生提供2到3门的SAT2考试成绩。下面为大家详细分析一下SAT考试的各个科目,供大家在选择的时候进行适当的参考和借鉴。
History(United States History,World History)
Mathematics(Mathematics Level 1,Mathematics Level 2)
Science(Biology E/M,Chemistry,Physics)
Languages(Chinese with Listening,French,French with Listening,German,German with Listening,Modern Hebrew,
Italian,Japanese with Listening,Korean with Listening,Latin,Spanish,Spanish with Listening)
The SAT Subject Test in Biology E/Mcontains a common core of 60 general knowledge, multiple-choice questions,
followed by 20 multiple-choice questions that emphasize either ecological (Biology-E) or molecular (Biology-M) subject matter. Before they begin their test, students choose either Biology-E or Biology-M. After completing the core questions, test-takers follow directions on the test to proceed to the section they chose.
The SAT Subject Test in Chemistrycontains three types of questions: classification questions, relationship analysis questions and five-choice completion questions. The relationship analysis questions differ from multiple
-choice questions in their directions, presentation and answer requirements on the Subject Test answer sheet.
The SAT Subject Test in Mathematics Level 1 or Mathematics Level 2.Both mathematics tests consist of 50 multiple-choice questions. However, there are some differences in content.
– Mathematics Level 1 is designed for students who have taken three years of college-preparatory mathematics, including two years of algebra and one year of geometry.
– Mathematics Level 2 is designed for students who have taken more than three years of college-preparatory mathematics: two years of algebra, one year of geometry, and elementary functions (precalculus) and/or trigonometry. A student who has had preparation in trigonometry and elementary functions, has attained grades of B or better in these courses and knows when and how to use a scientific or graphing calculator should select Mathematics Level 2.
以上就是关于SAT 2考试科目选择的具体内容,包括了对中国考生常选的SAT2考试科目的分析。大家可以在准备参加SAT2考试的时候,根据学校的具体要求和自己的实际情况,对所要选择的科目进行集中的复习和备考。
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- SAT2物理考试中常用词汇总结(B开头)...
- SAT2物理考试中常用词汇总结(C开头)...
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- SAT2物理考试中常用词汇总结(G开头)...
- SAT2生物考试中常用词汇总结(A开头)...
- SAT2生物考试中常用词汇总结(B开头)...
- SAT2生物考试中常用词汇总结(C开头)...
- SAT2物理考试中常用词汇总结(H开头)...
- SAT2生物考试中常用词汇总结(D开头)...
- SAT2生物考试中常用词汇总结(E开头)...
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