

申请美国大学酒店管理专业可选的6所学校,UNLV,Purdue,Michigan State,George Washington,Temple和UMass。



hotel management和hospitality management。基本相同,但具体方向略有区别。hospitality更广义些,统指旅游接待业,其中包括hotel,travel agency,airline,casino等等,甚至一个快餐店,咖啡吧也可以叫hospitality。我们习惯上把所有有关hotel, tourism, restaurant, travel and hospitality industries 的专业归为一类,但从每个program不同的名称就可以看出其课程设置和研究方向的重点。hospitality大体上可以分为旅游休闲方向和酒店方向。我们这里主要讨论酒店管理方向。


这里列出一部分,排名不分先后:Cornell ,UNLV,Purdue,Penn State,Michigan State,NYU,UMass,Temple,U of Missouri-Columbia, Ohio State, George Washington, Boston U, U of Houston, U of South Carolina, U of Alabama, Clemson U, Johnson & Wales U, Rochester Institute of Technology, Kansas State U, Easten Michigan U, Auburn U, Ball State U,Texas Tech, U of New Haven, Florida International U, U of North Carolina, U of Wisconson-stout, U of Tennessee, Central Michigan U... 还有很多就不一一列举了。


毕达教育的老师分析,有酒店管理专业的学校这么多,申请酒店管理的时候如何选择,就要看你的职业方向和学校的专长了。很难拟出一个确切的排名。只能说,最适合的才是最好的。比如学术方面Purdue和PSU无疑非常顶尖,但从就业的角度考虑,UNLV和Johnson&Wales 是性价比较高的。另外地处旅游区或大都市的学校比较便于实习和工作,而做研究则要看学校里面是不是有丰富的学术资源和有名的研究所和教授。申请酒店管理时还需要仔细比较每个学校的program,是在Business School, Tourism School 还是Human Nutrition Department下面,是MBA还是MS,是拥有一个独立的学院还是一个program或者只是一个concerntration。这些都很重要。后会具体介绍一些热门的学校。


提到酒店管理,大多数人想到的是毕业以后去酒店工作,其实并不是这么局限。我们来看看Cornell 05年毕业生都进入哪些行业吧:Hotel/Resort (Property), Consulting, Restaurant Operations, E-Commerce, Travel Distribution, Hotel/Resort (Corporation/Regional), Real Estate Finance, Entrepreneurship, Managed Services, Law, Winery, Banking& Financial Services. 怎么样,是不是有些听起来很新鲜。



对所有学校来说,理想的申请者“has string academic ability, relevant work experience, leadership potential, and career drive”。呵呵,当然这是学校的美好理想,与现实总是有距离的。所以GPA不高,或者没有相关学术北京,或者工作经验少,都不用太担心。重要的是,是不是真的很喜欢这个专业,是不是很了解它,个人性格和素质适合不适合,以及有没有清晰的职业规划。如果在对专业的理性认识还不够的情况下申请,硬件条件再好,可能录取的希望也不大。所以建议没有相关背景的申请者多做点功课,了解自己,了解专业。要是学了两年才发现“原来酒店管理不是我想象的那样啊”,“原来我不适合啊”,“原来做这个行业这么辛苦啊”,就有点晚啦。我想这也是学校要求工作经验的原因之一。



We look for candidates with strong supervisory or managerial skills and leadership potential, and we prefer those with a year or more of full-time hospitality-related work experience. Three years of work experience has been the average for students admitted in the past few years.

Work experience is beneficial for several reasons. It will help you grasp concepts more easily and retain them more fully. And it enhances class discussions. Our classes are small and interactive. Prior work experience enables you to participate more actively.

Work experience demonstrates commitment to the industry. We are the best at what we do, and we are highly specialized.

Work experience demonstrates that you know what you are undertaking. If you have worked for years in finance, information technology, real estate, or some other field and wish to switch to hospitality, that is fine. We will encourage you to build on your previous experience, which can be adapted to an aspect of hospitality. During the application process, we expect you to articulate your commitment to the industry.

Finally, work experience makes you more marketable. It enables you to offer experience combined with an advanced degree, and if you choose a career track that meshes with previous work experience, we can help you position yourself for management-track positions, if that is what you want.

