The following review was submitted on 1/14/2011 by a student who studied full-time in the program from 9/2009-12/2010
Can you tell us a bit about your background?
I entered the program straight out of undergrad in finance, with 2 years of part-time experience in consulting. My math and programming knowledge was coming mostly from high-school. GRE: V450, Q790
Why did you choose this program?
Strong syllabus, good location, low tuition.
Tell us about the application process at this program
Application process was smooth; everyone I had to contact was very nice. The online application tracking system is very helpful
Does this program offer refresher courses for incoming students? How useful was it?
Refresher courses are very useful. I kept referring to my notes from refreshers throughout whole program.
Tell us about the courses selection in this program. Any special courses you like?
The course selection is very well structured, if not that flexible. Since I am coming from financial background, my favorite classes were those which concentrated in finance more that math or programming. Two very best classes were Pricing of Financial Instruments and Structured Finance.
Tell us about the quality of teaching
Teaching is done by both practitioners and academics. All professors were available to help students, regardless of whether they work in the industry or not. Mostly I was using Lecture Notes, taken or provided by professors. Lecture notes provided in Probability and Stochastic Calculus were very helpful
Programming component of the program
Mostly C++, some VBA. We had a separate class for OOP in C++. Also program offers many weekend workshops where students can pick up basics of other languages
Everyone in the program has to do a Capstone Project, which depending on the student’s preferences can involve more programming or research. Project can be done individually or in groups.
Career service
Career service is amazing. Professor Stefanica is doing great job of placing his students for both internships ans full time positions.
What do you like about the program?
There are many great things – curriculum, professors, students. The thing I like most is that MFE students have a separate library, which has all the necessary books and where we could all study together.
What DON’T you like about the program? What changes would you like made?
Some of the courses are taught by multiple professors, which makes material less structured. As I mentioned, there was little flexibility. If you were a FT student in my year you had no choice for first two semesters. I know it is changing now, and I think it’s great.
What are your current job status?
Research analyst
On a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest), how would you grade this program?