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《普林斯顿评论》(Princeton Review)每年也对全美各间大学进行排名,它主要是调查学生,排名分类繁多:如综合最好的大学,管理最好的大学,资助最好的大学,学术最好的大学,校园最漂亮的大学,最重视体育的大学,学生最快乐的大学,最偏民主党的大学,最偏共和党的大学,等等。从这个资料你可以了解到学习以外的信息,确定你是否喜欢这所大学。
Science, Technology and Society 科学,技术与社会


Graduate Theological union    
Degrees: Master's, Professional

James Madison University  College of Integrated Science & Technology
Harrisonburg, USA
Degrees: Master's

Massachusetts Institute of Technology  School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
Cambridge, USA
Degrees: Professional

The Johns Hopkins University  School of Advanced International Studies
Washington, USA
Degrees: Master's

University of British Columbia  Faculty of Education
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Degrees: Master's, Professional

University of Michigan - Ann Arbor  School of Information
Ann Arbor, USA
Degrees: Master's, Professional

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities  Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs
Minneapolis, USA
Degrees: Master's